Jeffrey Greene cherry candle stand on snake feet

Photograph The Late King George Lies in State by Topical Press c1936

American Sheraton work stand c1825

Eldred Wheeler pair of tiger maple armchairs in Chippendale style

17th to 18thc Spanish Colonial horse stirrups

Tiger maple small mirror in Queen Anne style

Large amber and silver pendant made in Mexico

18thc Chippendale mahogany mirror

Chinoiserie hallway half table with original hand painted surface c1880

Antique Victorian lady cast iron doorstop

Early American tiger maple work table c1830

Victorian aesthetic movement table c1885

Eldred Wheeler table in tiger and birdseye maple

RDS Historic Lighting tin candle chandelier

Jeffrey Greene Hepplewhite Tip-Top Candlestand

A Caro Grammar by Robbins Burling 1961

Georgian style drop leaf table c1900

Regency period mahogany stand with boxwood inlay

Italian wrought iron wall sconce c1920

Gardens and Gardening in Papal Rome by David R Coffin 1991

Antique Chinese brass brazier

Eldred Wheeler splay leg maple stand

Dresden porcelain lidded pitcher

Georgian silver sugar tongs London 1808 J Beadnall