19thc Staffordshire luster bowl by Sunderland and Tyne

Paul Jablonka Op Art serigraph

Making A Photograph by Ansel Adams The Studio Edition 1935

Staffordshire blue and white coffeepot c1810

Nathan Margolis cherry candle stands in Queen Anne style

18thc English sterling silver nut spoon

Domestic Manners of the Americans Book by Mrs Trollope

Early Korean or Japanese earthenware jar

Staffordshire pink luster jug by Wood and Caldwell

19thc French ceramic pig water pitcher

Antique German Shepherd iron door stop

Eldred Wheeler splay leg maple stand

D R Dimes Windsor maple bar chairs

18th c English or Dutch brass and iron strainer

19thc copper top tin pudding mold in wheat motif

American Federal period Chippendale mirror

Vintage three bears hooked rug c1920

Antique treenware apothecary container c1880

19thc German cast iron waffle press for hearth cooking

American blown glass compote c1860

D R Dimes pair tall Windsor sack back armchairs

Sterling silver salt cellar London 1760

Matched pair of Eldred Wheeler cherry Chippendale style dressers

Illustrated British Firearms Patents 1969 limited edition