Eldred Wheeler New Hampshire cherry lowboy

Antique pair of Japanese reed buoys c1920

18th c English or Dutch brass and iron strainer

English oil painting of debtor and magistrate c1800

18k yellow gold bird brooch

D R Dimes pair continuous arm Windsor chairs

James Dew dining table from antique pine boards

19thc English brass wall pocket with cut out design

18thc heavy copper stew pot with hanger

D P Tyson original signed etching Junks and Coolies

English brass petal base candlesticks c1760

Village Hill tiger maple stand by Kurt Brown

Georgian swing leg mahogany table c1790

Bibliography of Early American Law M L Cohen Yale Law School

Vintage strand of amber beads

Stoneware jug Demelman Fuchs Boston

Eldred Wheeler cherry linen cupboard

Mid 20thc dental cabinet

Large Mora et Cie Paris copper sauce pan

Italian 18thc putto figure in original paint

Alfred Thayer Mahan Letters and Papers of Alfred Thayer Mahan

Japanese rosewood and copper ink holder

Thomas Griffin pewter charger c1760

Boch Freres La Maitrise art pottery vase