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Norman Rockwell A Definitive Catalogue by Moffatt
Nelson Augustus Moore landscape oil painting on canvas
Carl Schmidt oil painting on canvas boats in a harbor titled Ahoy Day
Early American copper pot
Illustrated book Racing in America 1937 to 1959 Kelley
Venetian blown glass pitcher c1880
Pair glass oil lamps in diamond pattern on candlestick bases
Unframed carved Victorian cameo of a woman c1880
Antique American country pantry box c1840
Autobiography of Leigh Hunt 2 volumes 1903
Selections from the stories of Robert Herrick c1882
Tobias Smollett The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle c1936
America pressed glass saw tooth brass and marble kerosene lamp
W T Copeland and Sons ironstone cake pedestal
Staffordshire mulberry ironstone Gothic panel sugar pot c1850
Antique Hand Painted Snuff Box with gold flake design c1820
Antique iron lyre form boot scraper c1850
English oak lowboy c1780
Antique English brass skimmer
Peruzzi floral brooch in sterling silver c1900
Peruzzi sterling silver cancer brooch
Domestic Manners of the Americans Book by Mrs Trollope
19th Century Japanese Brush Pot table Lamp